Not Just For...Twisted Women

And here's a short story with a nature theme if you have just come over from The Crete Nature Blog Mary and the Spider Man The faintest flicker of movement caught Mary's eye as she turned the page. She lowered her library book and scanned the corner of the room where the television sat blankly on its unit. There it was, advancing slowly towards her across the carpet: a brown mass of legs creeping inexorably towards her. Instinctively she drew her legs up onto the settee. It was at times like this that she wished that Robert was still alive. She wished that he was still alive all the time of course but spiders he'd been particularly good at. She'd only have to scream the word and off would come his left slipper and with unerring accuracy it would sail across the room and the offending creature would be left stone dead. Robert had been a true marksman with a size nine slipper, it was a shame that it hadn't been an Olympic event. The spider was now ...